Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tanya Markova on Cam: The Latest Original Payaso Music is Here!

If you haven't read my feature about Tanya Markova and the kind of OPM they make, you can check it out here.

Since I'm enjoying Mister Tililing a whole lot on my "Repeat Playlist," I would like to share the music that keeps me feeling good and sore at the same time. These are really "songs from the broken minded, for the broken hearted." Check out some of the songs Mister Tililing has for you:


Eskeleton is one of the album fillers while Ang Darling Kong Zombie is the full song

It is so rare that I come to LOVE ALL SONGS and ALL FILLERS in an album. So I suggest that you watch these people in their gigs and grab a copy of Mister Tililing! Like their Facebook Page and get to know the Original Payaso Music live in their bar performances and mall tour! Below is their upcoming event! See you, #TililingNation ! #MasMasayaPagMayTanyaMarkova #MisterTililing

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

FB Notes on Love and All Things Poetry

Here are some of my Facebook statuses that I want to keep. Hope you'll like them, too! :D