Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Love Somewhere

Love isn't love if we haven't gone somewhere:
A place where two hearts choose to burn
From a spark that ignited warmth and
A possibility of endless emotions

by the sea

below sea level

into the waves

across shores

inside comfy cottages

beneath the covers

between the curtains

against pillows

beside each other

in each other's arms

with a book

between lines of poetry

in between rhythm and melody

over coffee

in the middle of the night

under the stars

with appreciation

alongside understanding

together with motivation

with a little less expectations

with more inspiration

into the deepest of feelings

above all else

towards a future of uncertainties

amidst all odds

throughout our lives

of simple things we call love

And now I'm going back where we found our lost selves first.
Then realized love isn't there.

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