Friday, June 17, 2016

Don't Make Me Look Back

When people leave, they look back
For a glimpse of what once theirs
For a moment to relive the happiness lost
For that bliss you leaped and drowned into
For a sacred memento that you'll always keep

I'm taking a step away now
And every single one hit my very core
That I'm walking away from you who loved
And not aware that you did so well
Yet believed that I hate you so much

I'm leaving you behind, not because I hate you
It is because I've loved so much
That I want you to know how you can fix yourself
Because that is something I can never do
To fix the skeletons that scare you

Believe me when I say it's for your own good
That your thoughts would be for yourself
On what you can do with your life
And where you're going to find home
Instead of all my things and thoughts that you live for

My life is no longer for you to keep
Because you need to learn how to keep yours first
I've seen you lost your sense of self
As your every day revolve around me
You made me your world and I'm sorry

Never make me look back
with all the pleading and the hurt
because I'm hurting, it just doesn't show
But I have to be strong so you'll find yourself weak
So you can find your own strength
And get up, fix things and make a better you

Never make me look back
And take a glimpse of the beauty of us
Because I might break my heart more
And ask you to mend it with your kisses
And realize that I'm missing all the love

I love you still
but with a love with much respect
that I have to leave you
for you to find a better love than I can offer
to find yourself and find your home.

I will always wish weekends never end.

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