Friday, June 17, 2016

Vamp Verse

Here is my verse for you.
You who came into my senses in the middle of an ungodly hour
breaking through the windows of my soul
searching for that innocent girl awaiting neverland stories to come true
You who made black the sexiest color
and darkness the ultimate closet of secrets
You who kept me wanting to own you without knowing your name
for a night of whims and dangerous cravings
You were there in a night where the moon watched me bloom
under its dim light in perfect solitude
You with serene dances against your shadows
lurking behind me, holding me close, enclosing my very soul

But you left the night like a thief I will never again find
Whose words scathe as much as your silence did
the sharpest of fangs that pretended to lick my neck
Whose fingers that traced my contours
leaving me breathless in every touch, every pressure
these slimmest knives you struck into my chest
opening up my soul, overflowing with pain
surging with the red of passion
I bathe in the blood of frustrations
disappointments and all things that you are
But you were never there
to share the cup of blood I drink
that kept me up all night
that reddened my eyes until I forcefully close them
You were never there
When I winced at the sight of dawn
for another grueling daytime with your thoughts
that singe my core
burning whatever humanity left in me
scorching the colors I have left and drive me pale

These are the makings of a vamp
And you didn't know I would rise and tear you
for the eternal pain of holding me close
and letting me go, falling endlessly
hopelessly, into your arms then die.

You left me for dead in the break of light,
but I rise again for a perpetual night.

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