Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Man Every Morning

I have always thought that I did so much goodness in this life or maybe in my past life to deserve someone like you. These are my thoughts in every break of day that opens the beauty that I see beside me, cuddling me, trying to get the sheets on his side, with that naughty smile while eyes closed. I have always thought that every time you do that, you are trying to make my day. You knew, as I have told you, that your smile warms every inch of me, leaving my lips with a smile that only you can bring. Imagine every day. That is how much you give me life. Every. Single. Day. But that's just the beginning. I always spend minutes staring at you while you pretend to sleep away the alarm clock that you, yourself set. I always have to pound on the alarm to stop, and you'll bury yourself on my side, holding me close, covering me with the blanket once more. I find it really cute, so I just allow you your simple morning whims. 

I would always run my fingers through your hair. The strands that softly glide through my fingers remind me of how soft you touch me for every good night kiss. As soft as how you kiss my forehead in the moment I made you really proud. As soft as the pressure you place on my hands whenever I feel that all my nerves are letting me down. As soft as your lips that always make me want to kiss you every second till it hurts. Every strand numbers the reason why I'm beside the man who never fails to make my heart skip. You would find the best moment to crack that joke, green or not, and play with my imagination. You have always been witty, and I never saw each pun coming. You were so unpredictable that I deem you make these simple pleasures on the spot. Forgive me if you find me surly at times of stress, but you never gave up on me. After you listen to my woes, a good embrace will definitely do the trick. And I love it when you're pressing yourself to me. Then you'll cap it off with the best pun. You knew I will never be able to resist smiling to a witty remark. And you don't know how that means so much to me. You are my breather in times I need to tell myself that everything will be okay. And you make them okay. So much okay, that I know, I'll make it through everything when I'm with you.

Then my fingers would find their way to your forehead that I enjoy writing my red lipstick on, every time you sleep before I do. And it will always be my morning notes for you. Every time I do that, I make sure that there's a pocket mirror within your reach. You knew when you see one beside you. Even without reading what I wrote, you would say, "I love you."

You are no longer asleep, I know. You simply enjoy that I trace your facial features with my fingertips. Your eyes are even moving behind those closed eyelids. I love touching your eyelids, as if I'm drawing them. I remember how beautiful your eyes are when I look through them. When we play that game of whoever-blinks-first-lose kind of game, I can't help falling into the deep soulful dark brown eyes of yours. They always bear small wrinkles on the sides when you smile. I love those wrinkles. They remind me of all the times that you smile for me, even when I don't smile back. They're contagious and I thank you for keeping me sane with your smile. As much as your eyes look through me, I always find deep-seated emotions as I look deeply into your eyes. They always feel familiar, as if your eyes speak to my heart. Those are the times that you need not talk to me, because I knew, what lies behind your stare are precious feelings that only the two us would understand. 

My two fingers 'walk' along the bridge of your nose and they are so curious on what lies ahead. Tiptoeing fingers made their way towards your lips. These two plumps that would always make me lose my mind. You always make me lose it, when you smile, you pout, you open them with awe, and even with smirks, they are gorgeous. Tracing the lines of your lips is so satisfying for me. I would love to use a lip liner on that soon. Haha! Just kidding. It's like drawing your face with the familiar contours that will never leave my memory. 

Then all these will be capped with my hands pressing your cheeks together and rewarding you the sweetest morning smack I could give. "Good morning," I said. "I love you so much," you responded.

Then it all went black.

I never wanted to wake up, but I did.

See you in my dreams later, my love.

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