Sunday, December 20, 2015

Lunar Halo

Just as Sun left with a charming tip of his hat, I, Moon, greeted him with an elegant curtsy. Again, I am left with the familiar, dark and cold loneliness. Hours of dancing with the light of life is one of the best hours that I spend. Reeling like eternity with the warmth touching my cheeks is like forever that I would embrace. Though this is all that I can do. Dance in the light that he sheds for everyone, close my eyes and dream that they are mine to keep. It was a long time when I got to hold him. To shroud his light and keep it to myself. It’s like everyone coveted that moment and they looked up. Their eyes hurt. I wanted privacy. I wanted him, and I want that moment to last. It was an embrace that I get to keep his light for myself, from them, them who wish him to rise and fall, them who selfishly enjoy his warmth, them who made me just a part of his routine from dusk till dawn. That I rise when he needs to go. I, the lowly substitute of a great ball of fire, wish that his flame would consume me one time. Yes, I exist because of the littlest luminous happiness that he can share. That was unintentional for he wouldn’t even stay with me for more than a few hours. Always, he would leave. Thus, I would always wish for the warmth of Sun. For the embrace of his fire that lit the passion that I hold back. That romance that I share to lovers under my light. The intimacy holds my breath, with envy of lovers who find their souls and lunacy in my somber existence. Forever passed and so my loneliness filled me. That moment I bid him goodbye once more, is a pang I can no longer ignore. I can no longer hold back the crystal sparkles that my eyes desperately pour forth. The crystal sparkles surrounded me, keeping me company in the solitary vacuum that boxed me tonight. This ring. This halo. This silent cry of melancholy. This whimper of desperation. Yes, the people find it alluring. Once more, I would face the awe of people who believe in romance, whose passion and lust engulfed by intimacy of the night, whose arms entwined with lovers searching for their soul in the vast space called life. While I, floating with dreams, filling people with dreams, beautiful in my solitude, in a familiar, dark and cold loneliness called night.

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